Thursday, November 12, 2009

Reading Mexico

How do we think of Mexico? To answer this, let’s think about where our information on Mexico comes from. At the World Affairs Council, we consult the Woodrow Wilson Institue's Mexico Portal, the World Bank's Mexico page, and Mexico's bicentennial page among others.

Through our Mexico speaker series we have learned about Mexican experts such as Shannon O'Neil at the Council on Foreign Relations, or Edward Schumacher-Matos at Harvard.

Here are some reading lists we think you may enjoy --
Shannon O’Neil’s reading list on Mexican Politics
National Geographic’s recommended reading on Mexico
The World Affairs of Houston recommended reading list

What is on your Mexico reading list?


  1. T.C. Boyle´s novel "Tortilla Curtain" is an excellent portrayal of the mentality of people on both sides of the border. Fiction is sometimes richer in conveying the truth than journalism or academic studies.
    James Breiner, director, Centro de Periodismo Digital, Guadalajara, Mexico

  2. Octavio Paz´s "Labyrinths of Solitude" is one of the best books I´ve read on Mexican culture and thinking. Many Mexicans themselves refer to it as they discuss cultural identity.
    Paz talks about everything from body language to obscene language.
    He looks deep into the hearts and souls of his countrymen.



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